The Shield Wiki
The Shield Wiki
Lorena Francisco
7x01 Lorena sitting-in-interrogation
Profession: Vice-president of sales
Status: Alive
Played by: Shoneji Loraine
Season(s): 7
Appears in: "Coefficient of Drag"

Lorena Francisco was a Vice President of Sales for Hector's siding company and a murder witness at Doria's murder trial in season 7 of The Shield.

Season 7[]

At the night of Doria's murder, Lorena was the one who gave Hector an alibi of him eating Chinese food at her house and after being interrogated by Detective Billings again who first had this case tanked threatened her for being co-conspirators, she said she only knew about the murder until after the killing.


  • Her character full name comes out when Dutch reads one of the notes Billings left for himself about her, the papernote has a reminder of a great rack.