The Shield Wiki
The Shield Wiki

This is a list of confirmed deaths in every season and episode of The Shield.

Vic Mackey's Kills[]


The Shield- Vic Mackey KillCount

  • Vic killed 6 people on-screen on the show.
  • Vic is also seen shooting and killing 4 gangbangers in the comic book, Spotlight (3 in Issue One, 1 in Issue Five).

Season One[]

Reason/Cause of
1 1
1x01 Nancy-reborg
Nancy Reborg
Stabbed while trying to stop Lonnie Reborg from taking their daughter Jenny
Lonnie Reborg Pilot
2 2
Shot during a shootout with Vic Mackey and Shane Vendrell Vic Mackey and Shane Vendrell Pilot
3 3
Terry Crowley
Shot in the face for feeding Strike Team information to David Aceveda Vic Mackey Our Gang
4 4
Rondell's thug
Shot during a shootout between Rondell Robinson's and T-Bonz's gangs T-Bonz's thug Dawg Days
5 5
T-Bonz's thug
Shot during a shootout between Rondell Robinson's and T-Bonz's gangs Rondell Robinson Dawg Days
6 6
Manuel Ruiz
Accidentally fell off a roof while setting up an air conditioning unit N/A Dawg Days
7-9 7-9
Rondell's dealers
Shot as part of a gang war between Rondell Robinson and T-Bonz T-Bonz's thug Dawg Days
10 10
T-Bonz's thug
Shot as part of a gang war between Rondell Robinson and T-Bonz Rondell's dealers Dawg Days
11 11
Young boy
Run over while one of T-Bonz's thugs tried to escape from the murder scene of Rondell Robinson's dealers T-Bonz's thug Dawg Days
12 12 T-Bonz Unknown method, killed after Vic Mackey locked him and Kern Little in a shipping container to force the gang war to end Kern Little Dawg Days
13 13
Drug user
Shot in the head for an unknown reason Margos Dezerian Blowback
14 14
Neck broken for antagonizing Margos Dezerian Margos Dezerian Blowback
15 15
Overdosed on cocaine stolen from the Strike Team N/A Blowback
16 16
Kitty Weir
Murdered as part of Sean Taylor's killing spree Sean Taylor Cherrypoppers
17 17
Rosita Pedrazo
Murdered as part of Sean Taylor's killing spree Sean Taylor Cherrypoppers
18 18 Mary Esposito Murdered as part of Sean Taylor's killing spree Sean Taylor Cherrypoppers
19 19 Sheryl Watkins Murdered as part of Sean Taylor's killing spree Sean Taylor Cherrypoppers
20 20
Sally Struthers
Murdered as part of Sean Taylor's killing spree Sean Taylor Cherrypoppers
21 21
Insurance salesman
Shot in the chest in self-defense while attacking Connie Reisler Connie Reisler Cherrypoppers
22-27 22-27
Toros' gang members
Shot due to George Michael Klassen's paranoia and racism George Michael Klassen Pay in Pain
28 28
Shot due to George Michael Klassen's paranoia and racism George Michael Klassen Pay in Pain
29 29
Gun range owner
Shot due to George Michael Klassen's paranoia and racism George Michael Klassen Pay in Pain
30-33 30-33
Latino pedestrians
Shot due to George Michael Klassen's paranoia and racism George Michael Klassen Pay in Pain
34 34
Shot due to George Michael Klassen's paranoia and racism George Michael Klassen Pay in Pain
35-36 35-36
George Michael Klassen's in-laws
Shot in revenge for the murder of Lucy Train Guttierez Pay in Pain
37 37
George Michael Klassen
Shot in revenge for the murder of Lucy Train Guttierez Pay in Pain
38 38
Blunt force trauma induced by a car crash while trying to escape the police N/A Cupid & Psycho
39-40 39-40
College students
Overdosed on "cupid" meth N/A Cupid & Psycho
41 41
Burned in a meth lab explosion, died of his injuries N/A Cupid & Psycho
42 42
Killed for sleeping with Fran Lamar Tilton Cupid & Psycho
43 43
Killed for choosing Hooper over Lamar Tilton Lamar Tilton Cupid & Psycho
44 44
Connie Reisler's mother
Stroke N/A Dragonchasers
45 45
Young-Ho's wife
Shot during a robbery Kenny Carnivores
46 46
Shot himself in the head after the murder of his wife and the loss of his life savings Young-Ho (suicide) Carnivores
47 47
Rondell Robinson
Shot by an unknown assailant after losing Kern Little's and Vic Mackey's protection Unknown Carnivores
48 48
Anthony Nunez
Accidentally run over by Ben Gilroy Ben Gilroy (accidental) Two Days of Blood
49 49
Tanya Kramer
Beaten to death with a meat tenderizer for not letting Melissa Kramer date Wally Forton Wally Forton Two Days of Blood
50 50
Violet Roosevelt
Beaten to death with a meat tenderizer for being present at Tanya Kramer's murder Wally Forton Two Days of Blood
51 51
Jesus Rosales
Shot in the chest to cover up the death of Anthony Nunez Ben Gilroy Two Days of Blood
52 52
Female civilian
Trampled to death during the riots over the police's inaction during Wally Forton's double murder Civilians Circles
53 53
Ambushed and shot during a series of cop killings Sonny, Benji, and Twanya Circles
54 54
Ambushed and shot during a series of cop killings Sonny, Benji, and Twanya Circles
55 55
Ambushed and shot during a series of cop killings Sonny, Benji, and Twanya Circles
56 56
Shot twice in the back to save Vic Mackey's life David Aceveda Circles

Season Two[]

Reason/Cause of
57 1 Cuca Burned alive by firenecklacing Armadillo Quintero The Quick Fix
58 2 Bang-Bang Burned alive by firenecklacing Armadillo Quintero The Quick Fix
59 3 Zayed Al-Thani Shot twice in the chest Danny Sofer Dead Soldiers
60 4 T.O. Osmond Burned alive by firenecklacing Armadillo Quintero Dead Soldiers
61 5 Kayla LeSeur Arm cut off; beaten and suffocates in car trunk Bob Lindhoff Partners
62 6 Street hustler Shot in the leg and torso Vic Mackey Partners
63 7 Gang member Drive-by shooting The Shooter Carte Blanche
64 8 Russian Armenian Gunshot wound to the head Hrach Carte Blanche
65 9 Male civilian Suicide via gunshot wound to the head suicide Carte Blanche
66 10 Three-year old boy OD's on heroin accidental overdose Greenlit
67 11 Navaro Quintero Stabbed in prison Armadillo's hitman Greenlit
68 12 Julie Holden Stabbed Mike Holden Homewrecker
69 13 Miss Henry Stabbed Mike Holden Homewrecker
70-73 14-17 Women at female shelter Stabbed Mike Holden Homewrecker
74 18 Connie Reisler Shot in the torso Mike Holden Homewrecker
75 19 Mike Holden Shot twice in the chest LAPD sniper and Shane Vendrell Homewrecker
76 20 Leah Madson Strangled with bra Stu Kleinsausser Barnstormers
77 21 Armadillo Quintero Stabbed nine times in the back and stomach Little Pop Scar Tissue
78 22 Prostitute Killed in drive-by shooting Lionel Phipps Co-Pilot
79 23 Wanda Killed in drive-by shooting Lionel Phipps Co-Pilot
80 24 Toni Jahnes Heart attack after seeing burglar Heart attack Coyotes
unknown unknown Street victim(s) Gunshot wound(s) unknown Coyotes
81-82 25-26 Teenage victims unknown unknown Breakpoint
83 27 Lydell Crouch Two gunshot wounds to the back of the head Jeffrey Cole Breakpoint
84 28 Jeffrey Cole Shotgun wound to the chest Curtis Lemansky Breakpoint
85 29 Jeff Franklin Gunshot wound to the head Boxer Dominoes Falling
86-87 30-31 Armenian soldiers Gunshot wounds Armenian mobster Dominoes Falling

Season Three[]

Reason/Cause of
88-89 1-2 Armenian thugs Gunshot wounds; feet severed Lyor Slavok Playing Tight
90 3 Slap Multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and head Byz Lat thug Playing Tight
91 4 Byz Lat thug Killed in drive-by shooting Kern's thugs Playing Tight
92 5 Raymond Montes Multiple gunshot wounds to the head Esteban Blood and Water
93 6 Calva Multiple gunshot wounds to the head Esteban Blood and Water
94 7 Storeowner Gunshot wounds Crazyhouse Streaks and Tips
95 8 Storeowner's son Gunshot wounds Crazyhouse Streaks and Tips
96 9 Karen Rivas Gunshot wounds Crazyhouse Streaks and Tips
97 10 Barbara Hisk Stabbed multiple times Soren Arnovic Posse Up
98 11 Jeff Hisk Stabbed in the throat Soren Arnovic Posse Up
99 12 Store Clerk Gunshot wound Sol Negro Safe
100 13 Debbie Reisse Strangled to death William Faulks Cracking Ice
101 14 Crystal Reisse Strangled to death William Faulks Cracking Ice
102 15 Tommy Hisk Suicide via gunshot wound to the head suicide Cracking Ice
103 16 Klee Jones Hanged Twizzy Slipknot
104 17 Oleos Zavala Stabbed five times Twizzy Slipknot
105-107 18-20 Homeless civilians Burned to death Unknown Slipknot
108 21 Dory Smythe Strangled to death William Faulks What Power Is...
109 22 Ricky Shot twice in the chest David Aceveda What Power Is...
110 23 Arroyo Gunshot wound Juan Lozano What Power Is...
111 24 Korean Boy Gunshot wound to the chest Charlie Kim Riceburner
112 25 Angie Dietze Gunshot wound Store owner Riceburner
113-114 26-27 Bank guards Gunshot wounds Horde bikers Fire in the Hole
115 28 Aramis Leyva Fingers cut off; stabbed in the neck Margos Dezerian Fire in the Hole
116 29 Diagur Leyva Unknown. Body found with cigarette burns; feet severed Margos Dezerian Fire in the Hole
117 30 Rex Tortured and found with cotton in his mouth; feet severed Margos Dezerian Fire in the Hole
118 31 Neil O'Brien Tortured. Burned and dumped in turpentine; feet severed Margos Dezerian Fire in the Hole
119 32 Sosi Stabbed in the back of the neck; Dies en route to hospital Margos Dezerian All In
120 33 Margos Dezerian Shot twice in the chest Vic Mackey On Tilt

Season Four[]

Reason/Cause of
121-124 1-4 Veneza Family Drowned in a bathtub Tito The Cure
125 5 Dead-Eye Gunshot wound Shane Vendrell The Cure
126 6 Ben Gilroy Asphyxiates on his own vomit suffocation Grave
127 7 Bank manager Gunshot wound Hope Anthony Grave
128 8 Hope Anthony Gunshot wound Unnamed police officer Grave
129-131 9-11 Spookstreet Souljas thugs Gunshot wounds One-Niners thugs Bang
132-133 12-13 One-Niners thugs Gunshot wounds Spookstreet Souljas thugs Bang
134 14 Street thug Gunshot wound Unknown Bang
135 15 Harold "Oink" Pinker Gunshot wound to the back One-Niners thugs Bang
136 16 Romeo Barnes Gunshot wound to the head Freddie "Freebo" Bokamp Tar Baby
137 17 Margo Two gunshot wounds to the back Donna Tar Baby
138 18 Weebo Two gunshot wounds to the chest Curtis Lemansky Tar Baby
139 19 Hoda Stubbs OD's on heroin supplied by Antwon Antwon Mitchell/Overdose Tar Baby
140 20 Angie Stubbs Four gunshot wounds to the chest Antwon Mitchell Tar Baby
141 21 Raine Powell Bludgeoned to death Store worker Insurgents
142 22 Mitch Ronvil Throat slit Spookstreet Souljas thug Cut Throat
143 23 Dan Gibbons Throat slit Spookstreet Souljas thug Cut Throat
144 24 Scooby Haimes Stabbed twice in the throat Ididsa Okoye String Theory
145 25 Carl Miller Stabbed multiple times in the chest Ididsa Okoye and Ade Achebe String Theory
146 26 Dana Gregory Strangulation; dies in the hospital hours later Kleavon Gardner Back in the Hole
147 27 Louis Saldera Shot four times in the chest Los Mag thug A Thousand Deaths
148 28 Ade Achebe Executed via gunshot wound to the head Russian thugs A Thousand Deaths
149 29 Russian hijacker Shotgun wound to the chest Curtis Lemansky A Thousand Deaths
150 30 Gill Prue Shotgun wound to the groin Francis Valverde Judas Priest
151 31 Andrei Tretiak C-4 explosion during interrogation Ronnie Gardocki Judas Priest
152 32 Juan Lozano Skull crushed by barbell Antwon Mitchell Judas Priest
153 33 Quinsiera's father Gunshot wound to the chest Miguel Ain't That a Shame
154 34 Cartel thug Two gunshot wounds to the chest Ronnie Gardocki Ain't That a Shame

Season Five[]

Reason/Cause of
155 1 Young Mexican Hit-and-Run; skull crushed Black driver Extraction
156 2 Black driver Beat to death Los Mags thugs Extraction
157-158 3-4 Los Mags thugs Gunshot wounds Street thugs Extraction
159 5 High school black student Gunshot wound to the chest Mariano Extraction
160 6 Caroline Tylin Stabbed Lorenzo Lavedra Extraction
161 7 Tommy Gunshot wound to the chest Cisco Lavedra Extraction
162-164 8-10 Black civilians Beat to death Doomsday Enemy of Good
165 11 Rodrigo Heart attack during sex None Jailbait
166-168 12-14 Prostitutes Suffocates in the back of a truck Rodrigo Jailbait
169 15 Male civilian Shotgun wound to the head Ned Jailbait
170 16 Isabelle Arrington Gunshot wounds to the chest Tevares Glade and Sean Deeks Tapa Boca
171 17 Hank Premiger Gunshot wound to the forehead Justin Lamott Tapa Boca
172 18 Isabelle's son Chest inadvertently crushed Tevares Glade Tapa Boca
173 19 Schizophrenic woman Suicide via self-impalement through car windshield suicide Trophy
174 20 Alex Bludgeoned by a bat Shonda Cromwell Trophy
175-176 21-22 Bop Street thugs Gunshot wounds Casper Rap Payback
177 23 Amado Alvaro Gunshot wounds to the chest Casper Rap Payback
178 24 Alvaro's roommate Gunshot wound to the anus Casper Rap Payback
179 25 Pauline Wahler Strangulation; hair cut off Kleavon Gardner Rap Payback
180 26 Jenny Rayball Fifteen gunshot wounds to the back Ted Shusett Man Inside
181 27 Ted's daughter Gunshot wounds Ted Shusett Man Inside
182 28 Jimmy Boyd Gunshot wounds Maruizio Ochoa Man Inside
unknown unknown Spookstreet Souljas thugs and family Blown to pieces by grenades Presumably Guardo Lima Kavanaugh
183 29 George Jackson Grenade explosion Guardo Lima Kavanaugh
184 30 Mattie Jackson Grenade explosion Guardo Lima Kavanaugh
185 31 Grenade smuggler Stabbed in the neck Guardo Lima Kavanaugh
186 32 Artemis Cooke Three gunshot wounds to the face Jaden Reid Smoked
187 33 PD warehouse security guard Gunshot wound to the head One-Niners hijacker Of Mice and Lem
188 34 Kern Little Gunshot wound to the back; bleeds to death Moses Of Mice and Lem
189 35 Curtis Lemansky Grenade explosion Shane Vendrell Postpartum

Season Six[]

Reason/Cause of
190 1 Kevin Smith Head bashed in with a toaster Quentin Garth On the Jones
191-201 2-12 Mexican ex-convicts Brutally slaughtered with machetes Javier Rincon and Guardo's two hitmen On the Jones
202-204 13-15 Pharmecutical workers Gunshot wounds Tom Franklin Back to One
205 16 Guardo Lima Tortured with chains and executed via gunshot wound to the forehead Vic Mackey Back to One
206-207 17-18 Rogue One-Niners Various gunshot wounds One-Niners thugs The New Guy
208-209 19-20 One-Niners thugs Various gunshot wounds Rogue One-Niners The New Guy
210 21 Daniel Billup Gunshot wounds to the back One-Niners thugs The New Guy
211 22 Vantes Carter Gunshot wound to the torso; dies in the hospital hours later One-Niners thugs The New Guy
212 23 Sabrina Morganza Unknown; body found inside a grave Unknown Haunts
213 24 Emily Martin Stabbed Snail Chasing Ghosts
214-217 25-28 Salvadorian thugs Shotgun wounds Byz Lat thugs Exiled
218 29 Abdulh Impaled in the mouth with a gasoline pump Ellis Rezian's men Exiled
219 30 Salvadorian thug Chopped up with a machete Hernan Saldera The Math of the Wrath
220-221 31-32 San Marcos murderers Beaten to death Mexican gang members Recoil
222 33 Joe "Miracle" Barnes Heart gave out heart attack Spanish Practices
223 34 Diro's father Dies in the hospital after his life support is cut off Diro Kesakhian Spanish Practices

Season Seven[]

Reason/Cause of
224-225 1-2 Salvadorian thugs Hit-and-Run; bodies dragged across the street Pezuela's hitmen The Coefficient of Drag
226 3 Ari Zadofian Executed via two gunshot wounds to the chest; feet severed Ronnie Gardocki The Coefficient of Drag
227 4 Gun dealer Gunshot wound to the chest LAPD officer The Coefficient of Drag
228 5 John Layton Killed in a Drive-by Lil' BK and gangbanger Snitch
229 6 Lana Boyle Inadvertently bashed in the head with a cinderblock Nacio Snitch
230-231 7-8 College students Killed in a Drive-by Lil' BK and gangbanger Snitch
232-233 9-10 Rezian's lieutenants Killed in a fire Pezuela's hitmen Genocide
234 11 Luis Alvarez Gunshot wound to the chest Lloyd Denton Genocide
235 12 Robert Martin Assassinated via gunshot wound to the chest Pezuela's hitmen Genocide
236-238 13-15 Echevarria's crew Gunshot wounds Hollis Zane's crew Game Face
239 20 Fiona Perskie Stabbed five times in the chest Unknown Animal Control
240-242 16-18 Rezian's lieutenants Multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and head Pezuela's hitmen Animal Control
243 19 Ellis Rezian Multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and face Pezuela's hitmen Animal Control
244 20 Jeff Busada Suicide via slitting his throat suicide Animal Control
245 21 Amber Beaten to death Two-Man Bitches Brew
246 22 Bombay Two gunshot wounds to the chest Julien Lowe Bitches Brew
247 23 Cardell Rhodes Killed in a Drive-by Mia Petty Cash
248 24 Chuck's wife Inadvertently shot in the back Mara Sewell-Vendrell Possible Kill Screen
249 25 Jackson Vendrell Succumbs to lethal poison Shane Vendrell Family Meeting
250 26 Mara Sewell-Vendrell Succumbs to lethal poison Shane Vendrell Family Meeting
251 27 Shane Vendrell Suicide via gunshot wound to the head suicide Family Meeting
252 28 Beltran's thug Gunshot wound to the chest Ronnie Gardocki Family Meeting
253 29 Beltran's thug Gunshot wound to the chest Vic Mackey Family Meeting
254 30 Robert Huggins Two gunshot wounds to the chest and torso; bleeds to death hours later Big Stacks Family Meeting

Not Included[]

These are people who weren't confirmed dead or last seen in perilous situations. Some characters may have died before a season started and are listed down here too.

Season One[]

Season Two[]

Season Three[]

  • Margos Dezerian killed three coca farmers in Chile and removed their feet post-mortem.
  • Margos also has arrest warrants for murder in Paraguay and Belgium indicating he has killed people in those countries as well.
  • Police had found other two bodies with their feet chopped off, presumably killed by Lyor Slavok.
  • Eight women were killed due to meth lab toxin exposure. When they all died isn't clear.
  • It's possible another homeless civilian was burned alive.
  • Twizzy was probably killed in jail by Los Profetas on Savuto's orders.
  • Dutch strangled a cat to death.
  • Charlie Kim killed a total of seven people.
  • It was never fully confirmed whether or not Margos killed Diagur, Rex, Aramis, or Neil or if he hired someone to do it.
  • Lisa Kensit is shot in the face by Marlon Gault and is presumed to die from her injuries but is never confirmed.

Season Four[]

  • Antwon Mitchell shot and killed three dealers in a crack house on Olympic at least thirteen years prior to Season Four.
  • Monica's partner died three years prior to Season Four.
  • Scooby shot a dog in self-defense.
  • A One-Niners thug named Puppet Head was supposedly dragged by a car until his skin peeled off.
  • One of Shane's CI's disappeared, presumably getting killed by The Cartel.
  • Antwon's father was killed by his mother when he was a child.

Season Five[]

  • The hit-and-run victim might've been killed before Season Five.
  • A few dead bodies were seen at a funeral parlor, but it's unclear when they died.
  • A black civilian could have died in the hospital after Lorenzo shot him.
  • A man slipped into a coma after he was under the influence of alcohol and it was never confirmed if he lived.
  • Doomsday decapitated two dogs and intended to make soup out of their severed heads.
  • Kleavon Gardner killed Mary Simpson in between the time he killed Dana and Pauline.
  • It was never confirmed how many people were killed at the Spookstreet Souljas barbecue massacre.
  • A male civilian was castrated with a rat trap.

Season Six[]

  • Corrine was seen working on a patient who appeared to be suffering from a gunshot wound. It is unknown if he survived the surgery or died.
  • Sabrina might've been murdered three years before Season Six.
  • The three men who were castrated might've died from their wounds.

Season Seven[]

  • A man and one of his friends drowned his wife two years before Season Seven.
  • A cop was heavily wounded in a shootout. Whether he survived or not is unclear.
  • Mara and Shane's unborn daughter, Frances Abigail.
  • Chuck might've died from his gunshot wound.
  • Rita Denton was presumably killed by her son.
  • Claudette Wyms eventually succumbed to her disease.