The Shield Wiki
The Shield Wiki
Benjamin Webb
6x10 Christopher Cousins
Profession: Legal counsel
Status: Alive
Played by: Christopher Cousins
Season(s): 6
Appears in: "Spanish Practices"

Benjamin Webb was a legal counsel hired by David Aceveda during season 6 of The Shield.

Season 6[]

Benjamin Webb was a counsel hired by former Captain David Aceveda. When Vic arrived near the porch of David just to blackmail him with the rape picture provided by Pezuela, a reason being just to keep him in the Barn as a Detective long enough before forced retirement. Webb arrived to the front lobby of the police station to inform Vic about the civil suit against him for extortion, damages for defamation determined later, also Mackey approaching David as a private citizen he warned him that department won't provide council and needs to take care of the legal bills on his own.
